Great Blue Heron, perched near Flat Rock (Connie Stirling-Engman, December 2017)
Beaver near downstream bridge (Bruce Brittain, April 2015)
Ruffed Grouse (Randolph Little)
Buck, nibbling on barberry (Bruce Brittain, December 2009)
This bald eagle was caught on camera by Jack and Nanette Blakely near Flat Rock in 2008
This fox was photographed through two layers of glass, hence the artistic fuzziness (Kyllikki Inman, March 2018)
These mergansers were snapped by Nanette Blakely behind 332 Forest Home Drive (December 2009)
An owl oversees Forest Home activities from a local backyard on a summer day in 2007. Jo Gravely credited “the magic of being in the right place at the right time, a not-so-shy owl, and a 300 mm zoom lens!”