The Town of Ithaca and the City of Ithaca have been working jointly since 2017 on a Green Building Policy, now known as the Ithaca Energy Code Supplement (IECS) which contains code requirements for new buildings and major renovations. These requirements are above and beyond the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code. The objective is to substantially reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while emphasizing affordability. An earlier draft was made available for comment in September 2019 and presented at a number of public events. Some of you may have attended some of those sessions.
Public comments on the new draft are requested by February 17, 2021 at noon. There will be a public hearing on the draft at the City of Ithaca Planning and Economic Development Committee (PEDC) meeting on February 17, 2021 (probably at 6pm). See the message from the Town below for details of where to find the draft code, how to submit comments and where to look for information about the PEDC meeting closer to the date. Although this is a City of Ithaca public hearing and Forest Home is in the Town of Ithaca, the Town is encouraging its residents to participate.
==== message distributed by Town of Ithaca =====
Date: January 28, 2021
To: Town of Ithaca IECS Review Committee
From: Nick Goldsmith, Sustainability Planner
Re: Public Comment Period for Ithaca Energy Code Supplement
The Town of Ithaca and the City of Ithaca have been working since 2017 on the Ithaca Energy Code Supplement (IECS, previously the Green Building Policy), which contains code requirements for new buildings and major renovations that will substantially reduce GHG emissions while emphasizing affordability.
The Town Board and the City Common Council have provided guidance and approval of previous drafts of the IECS, which have also undergone significant public review. Over the last several months, City and Town of Ithaca Planning and Codes staff, attorneys, and elected officials have contributed to the development of the IECS and the IECS Ordinance. The goal is to maintain common regulations that will be adopted by both the Town and the City.
The January 28, 2021 drafts of the Ithaca Energy Code Supplement (IECS) and the IECS Ordinance are now being circulated for public comment. Your comments are respectfully requested prior to February 17, 2021 at noon. Written comments may be emailed to or mailed to the Town of Ithaca at 215 N. Tioga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850. Oral comments may be presented at the City of Ithaca public hearing, which will occur at the February 17, 2021 Planning and Economic Development Committee (PEDC) meeting. Directions for watching the hearing and submitting oral comments will be described in the PEDC meeting notice, which will be released February 12 on the PEDC webpage: A Town of Ithaca public hearing will be scheduled at a later date.
You will find the following IECS documents and additional project information at .
Ithaca Energy Code Supplement: A local energy code supplement with requirements above and beyond the New York State Energy Conservation Code.
IECS Ordinance: IECS-enabling legislation for the City of Ithaca that enacts the IECS as the regulatory document containing requirements for compliance. The Town of Ithaca will not be adopting an ordinance, but will be incorporating similar language into the IECS.
IECS Short Environmental Assessment form part I and II for the City of Ithaca
A document summarizing comments and responses relating to the previous IECS draft (08-08-19), which informed the current draft, will be posted on the website soon.
An IECS Reference Manual, which contains non-essential information to help understand and use the IECS, will be completed and posted at a future date.