About FHIA

The Forest Home Improvement Association has a simple mission, to make life better for everybody who lives here. As a volunteer organization, the association’s activities vary from year to year, but they usually include the following:
- Social events for people to get to know each other. Typically these events include a block party in the park, usually held in September, a December holiday party hosted in an FHIA member’s house, and a spring potluck.
- Work with the Town of Ithaca and Cornell University on projects that affect the neighborhood. Recent examples have included the creation of the Forest Home Park, planning for the rebuilding of the one-lane bridges, deer management, safety barriers on the gorges, and traffic calming.
- Special events, such as spring clean-up and historical tours.
Information about these activities and is provided on this website and by a mailing list. To have your name added to the mailing list, send email to ForestHomeNews@gmail.com.
All events are open to everybody who lives in Forest Home. There is no need to become a member. We have a small budget and ask for annual contributions of $30 per household, but these are entirely optional.