April 16 – Spring Roadside Cleanup in Forest Home
Please save Saturday, April 16 for the annual Forest Home Improvement Association spring roadside cleanup. We will meet in the park at 10 a.m. There will be garbage bags, gloves if you need them, and a few mechanical picker-uppers. We will divvy up the road assignments as we arrive. As an added incentive, volunteers may keep any $100 bills they find!
The FHIA is also looking for volunteers to help maintain the park. Tasks include weeding, watering the flower box, communicating with the Town’s park department, etc. A special need will be for someone to plant and maintain a small triangle of land near the down hill walkway sign after the path is rebuilt, hopefully this spring. The FHIA will pay for the native plants and materials.

See previous post Spring Cleanup — Tentative Date for information about some invasive plants that might already be showing up at the roadsides or in your yard.
The Town of Ithaca Spring Brush Pickup begins on Monday April 18th. See http://www.town.ithaca.ny.us/Quick-News/springbrushpickup